Lobster Lab is the name that we (Raz and Conrad) have chosen to give our apartment, or more accurately, that end of the lounge-room which is usually filled with computers. (We removed most of them for the party.) The name is inspired by our proximity to the Sydney Fish Market, where a plethora of fresh sea-food is available daily.
Unlike most photos on this site, the photos on this page were not taken by myself. Thanks go to Sammy for bringing along and making extensive use of his camera.

Me (Roland / Raz): Drink, anyone? No tomatoes were harmed in the making of this drink.

Conrad manages to appear in no less than eight photos, yet the only one showing his face shows only his face. Co-incidence?

Cocktail-maestro Rob: What-chew talkin' 'bout Willis?

The epicentre itself.

No officer, he's not under-age. We checked his ID at the door.

Umm, John, are you _sure_ that's not detergent?

That's insane!

What's happening over there?

John appears to have something stuck in his eye.

Considering a fine point.