More wandering around town.

Ah yes, the clown. I would ordinarily not post a photo which was so badly blurred, but here's an exception. This guy was working Rue Prince Arthur the entire time that I was in Montreal. He would work a section of street about 30m long whilst the seating outside the restaurants was fairly full and do everything from making balloon animals and 'directing' pedestrian traffic with little more than a whistle, to walking beside and slightly behind passers-by imitating their gait and mannerisms, usually to the great amusement of the passer-by when (s)he realised why everyone was looking his/her way and grinning. On two occasions, however, I saw him take someone's camera and pretend to set up photo of a group of people in the crowd but, at the last minute, unzip his trousers and photograph something entirely other than the crowd. It all happened a little too quickly to take a better photograph on the first occasion and I did not have my camera with me on the second occasion.