Somehow, I lived >15 months in Germany and yet resisted the temptation to go to Octoberfest; fortunately a group of friends successfully tempted me to join them this year and I had a ball. The atmosphere is fantastic; it really is one huge, but amazingly well-behaved, drunken party. Looking forward to next year.

It happens that I travelled to Munich by air to Frankfurt and then rail to Munich. I had about 45 minutes to pass while waiting for the train, so I took a walk around a part of Frankfurt that I had not visited previously; the 'Messe' (roughly 'fair ground', but also 'convention area'). The area is full of buildings with interesting shapes.

Nearby was a statue representing something like industry (any locals care to tell me the details?); it appears to have a phone number on its foot. Oh, the arm with the hammer continually moves up and down on about a 10 second cycle.

Upon reaching Munich and then Lochhausen Bahnhof, I had the choice between a 2Km walk, or simply taking a taxi. It was a nice evening, I had been seated for many hours, a nice walk seemed like good idea. It was OK, but for the most part, there was no light all - not even much light pollution from Munich, certainly no street lights - and no footpath. The bridge over the autobahn was particularly, ah, entertaining.

Ah yes, Saturday. >10 hours of drinking, talking, laughing and occasional stupidity. In this photo, we see a camera duel in progress, I have no idea who those guys are...