As I'm arranging my next trip to Kosciuszko at present, this seems like an opportune moment to post the photos from my previous trip, in January last year...

With James, Chris, Jane and Christian after a stay at Illawong Lodge. This is still my favourite spot anywhere. The need to walk here discouraged most of the people who joined me for the trip from venturing to Illawong; it was just the five of us for a couple of days. Inconveniently our isolation wasn't complete - some mobile phones now work here.

With Jane and Chris at the summit of Mount Kosciuszko, Australia's highest point; 2228 entire metres above sea level.

Cathy, Brad, Anand, David and Anand's mum preparing dinner at Perisher Huette, where most of the stay was spent.

There was a day of rain and wind, during which we relaxed inside. (Anand, Brad, David, Dad, Mum, Kathy, John, Aiden.) The view from the window of my room included rain falling upwards...