Roland Turner

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Happy birthday Singapore!

I struggled to find an appropriate image to attach to my "Happy birthday Singapore!" post but settled on the Marina Barrage, not because it represents every relevant thing but because it is a stand-out example of a handful of things that Singapore has demonstrated the capacity to do particularly well:

In a broader sense, Singapore's founding leaders and the Pioneer Generation that chose to follow them did exactly this, both at a whole-of-Singapore scale and repeatedly at the level of specific initiatives. I suspect that most of the opportunity to make large progress at a whole-of-Singapore scale has been fully realised, but there remain - and I believe will continue to appear - numerous opportunities to do so at a smaller scale. Finding and developing these, and helping others to do so, is something that I look forward to doing so for as long as I'm able.

The Barrage has had another personal importance for me during the last few years: I run across it a couple of times a week. Frequently when I turn for home and come into view of the skyline featured in almost every other image that people choose to represent Singapore, I feel a wave of joy. No doubt this is facilitated by an exercise-induced elevation of endorphin levels, but it's also about gratitude for my good fortune in having found a place that's a better fit for me, and I for it, than the land of my birth. I aspire to be worthy of this place.

Happy birthday Singapore, here's to another 50 extraordinary years!
