Roland Turner

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Yahi Sensing Station Installation Instructions

Yahi Overview
Relationship between Yahi and PSI
Mapping Pilot
Assembly Instructions
Installation Instructions


  1. Remove the lid from the sensing station.
  2. Connect the sensing station to your computer's USB port (i.e. instead of directly to a plug pack; if the device is not connected to your computer then you won't be able to talk to it).
  3. Verify that the LED on the Spark Core is flashing blue. If it is flashing green then you may need to work through resetting the network configuration. If it is neither flashing blue nor green then contact me.
  4. Complete any driver installation if required (e.g. if messages appear about needing to install a driver).
  5. Use a serial terminal emulator to connect to the Spark Core
    • Linux: "screen /dev/ttyACM0".
    • Windows: Use the terminal emulator (e.g. PuTTY) to connect to COM1 at 9600/n/8/1.
    • Mac: Instructions by Saad (thanks!)
  6. Once connected, press the 'i' key once. You should get a message telling you that the hardware id is a number that looks something like 53ff6a065075535139311587. If this doesn't happen, or you have an error about connecting to the serial port, then you may need to work through resetting the network configuration.
  7. Press the 'w' key once.
  8. At the SSID prompt, type in your SSID and press enter.
  9. At the WEP/WPA/WPA2 prompt, enter the appropriate digit and press enter.
  10. At the key prompt, enter your WEP/WPA/WPA2 key and press enter.
  11. After ~30s, the large LED should be cyan in colour and "breathing".

Physical installation

For the mapping project, the sensing station needs to be:

A typical installation. Note that this example uses a slightly more expensive plug pack because its low profile allows the hood to be completely closed.

A few people have suggested putting the sensing station on a windowsill and leaving the window open just enough for the power cable to pass through. This is OK at present, but it is likely that if the haze returns in strength then you'll want to close the window completely! Once you've selected a location:

  1. Make a final check that the sensor is lined up correctly with the holes in the front of the case. (TODO: add photos) If it's shifted during shipping so the holes are partially obscured then use a pen, small screw-driver, or something similar to gently push the sensor back into position.
  2. Place the sensing station in its final position, connect power and turn it on.
  3. In most cases I will have included your location in the database at the time your sensor was shipped to you, so you'll see it appear on the map within a couple of minutes of your switching it on.
  4. If not, drop me a note with your sensor number (on the label on the front of the device) and location (street name and number so I can place your sensor on the map, I don't need unit numbers) and I'll confirm that it's feeding data.